Research Abstract Submission FAQ

QUESTION: Do I have to be a member of HOPA to submit an abstract?
ANSWER: No, you do not need to be a member of HOPA to submit an abstract. However, the presenting author needs to be a member to be considered for an award, platform presentation, Trainee Top Ten or Industry-sponsored poster.

QUESTION: Do you accept industry-supported abstracts?
ANSWER: Yes, HOPA reviews and considers industry-supported abstracts if the presenting author is a HOPA member. Industry-supported research is defined by HOPA as research that is funded by a pharmaceutical company whose primary purpose is to assess safety and/or efficacy of an intervention in a clinical setting. Additionally, industry-supported research refers to material regarding the research, development, market, and/or distribution of medications that is owned/patented/promoted and must be approved by the pharmaceutical company supporting that research.
For Completed Research, Late-Breaking & Trainee Research categories, an industry employee may not present research at the annual HOPA meeting unless they were a principal or co-principal investigator on the project. If you are one of HOPA’s Industry Relations Council (IRC) Partners, and you have an industry-sponsored encore poster you would like presented, consider submitting to the “Industry Encore” category. All financial interests and commercial or federal funded research must be disclosed upon submission.
For more clarification on these terms, please view the submission criteria section on the Call for Abstracts home page.

QUESTION: Do I have to be present at the annual meeting in order to submit an abstract?
ANSWER: Yes, authors must be available to present during poster sessions and to discuss questions from participants.  The presenter of the poster must register for at least the day of the annual meeting on which they are scheduled to present. Only those presenters committed to attending the conference may submit an abstract.

QUESTION: I have submitted an abstract, but have found out I am no longer able to attend the meeting. May I have someone present my poster for me?
ANSWER: A poster may only be presented by one of the authors of the poster. In the case of industry-sponsored research in the Completed Research, Late-Breaking and Trainee Research category, an industry employee may not present research at the annual HOPA meeting unless they were a principal or co-principal investigator on the project.

QUESTION: Are any expenses paid for if I submit an abstract and get accepted to present?
ANSWER: Presenters are responsible for all expenses such as production and shipping of posters, and for personal expenses such as travel, hotel, and meeting registration fees. 

QUESTION: Should I submit my research into a particular topic category?
ANSWER: Yes, your research should be submitted into either the clinical/translational research or practice management category. Within each category, you can select a topic area as well.

QUESTION: What types of research should not be submitted?
ANSWER: We accept a variety of types of research including case reports, case series and meta-analyses. Abstracts must be the presenter’s original research. No review articles, single case reports or case series will be accepted.

QUESTION: Do you have any examples of quality research that has previously been submitted?
ANSWER: Please view the Completed Research PDF examples of previously submitted abstracts, both in the practice management field and in the clinical/translational research field. These examples include abstracts that have been accepted as platform presentations in years past.

QUESTION: How long may my abstract be?
ANSWER: Your abstract should be no longer than 400 words.

QUESTION: What happens to my abstract once it has been submitted (applies only to Completed, Late-Breaking and Trainee Research categories; not to Industry Encore)?
ANSWER: A group of reviewers, all members of the HOPA Abstract Review Subcommittee will score and discuss your abstract. The scoring will determine if you have submitted one of the best abstracts and would be asked to present your abstract as a platform presentation at the annual meeting. Reviews of research abstracts will be based on the following criteria:

  • Background/Rationale includes purpose, significance and context;
  • Objective(s) are measurable and clearly defined;
  • Methodology is appropriate, organized and replicable;
  • Results are related to objective & method and are described appropriately;
  • Conclusion/Discussion offers a meaningful interpretation of results and future directions of the project;
  • Abstracts are also reviewed for implications for hematology/oncology pharmacy practice, uniqueness and innovation in pharmacy practice as well as overall study quality

QUESTION: May I revise my abstract once it has been submitted?
ANSWER: Abstracts may be revised at any time up until the submission deadline. A confirmation email will be sent upon submission. No revisions can be made after the deadline.

QUESTION: Who is eligible for the Platform Presentations?
ANSWER: Abstracts submitted by HOPA members who are the principal or co-principal investigator of the research will be considered for an oral, ACPE CE-accredited Platform Presentation. Encore presentations are not eligible. The principal or co-principal investigator must be the one to present the work at the annual meeting if accepted for a Platform Presentation.

QUESTION: May I have a QR code on my poster?
ANSWER: Yes, but the QR code should only link to the poster online and not to any other site.

QUESTION: Will my abstract be published anywhere?
ANSWER: Selected Completed and Late Breaking research abstracts will be published in a supplement of an issue of the Journal of Hematology Oncology Pharmacy (JHOP).