BCOP Prep & Recert

The HOPA Preparation and Recertification Courses are designed to prepare oncology pharmacists to sit for your Board-Certified Oncology Pharmacy (BCOP) exam and/or Recertification. The Prep Courses are integral to preparing for your first BCOP exam, while the Recert Courses help you meet your BPS requirements once you are certified.

Overview of HOPA's BCOP Prep & Recert Courses

HOPA's Prep/Recert contains 25 modules for a total of 28 BCOP Recertification hours. More than half of the modules offer (optional) supplemental eLearning modules and handouts to aid you in retaining knowledge, regardless of your learning style.

Please continue reading below to learn how to earn the credits you need to get - and maintain - your Board Certification in Oncology Pharmacy.

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