BCOP Updates 2024: Drive with Care: Updates in Adult CAR T-cell Therapy and Outpatient Administration
CAR T-cell therapy is becoming a mainstay of treatment for hematologic malignancies, especially in the lymphoma and myeloma space. With continuous product approvals and advances in place in therapy, an overview and update of adult CAR T-cell therapies in the literature and associated indications is necessary, along with insight into outpatient administration, toxicity monitoring, and adverse event management.
BCOP Updates 2024: Drive with Care: Updates in CAR T-cell Therapy and Outpatient Administration
Authors: Kelsea Seago, PharmD, BCOP; Spencer K. Yingling, PharmD, BCOP*
*All participation and contribution to this presentation regarding clinical content occurred during time in clinical practice prior to employment with Bristol Myers Squibb.
UAN#: 0465-0000-24-086-H01-P
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss FDA-approved indications and recent guideline updates for CAR T-cell therapies
- Recognize potentially practice-changing literature associated with currently available CAR T-cell therapy products
- Describe novel CAR T-cell therapies under clinical trial investigation
- Summarize appropriate implementation policies and procedures for CAR T-cell therapy administration in an outpatient setting
- Compare and contrast toxicity monitoring and management strategies for CAR T-cell therapy between inpatient and outpatient settings
- Outline the expanding role of the oncology pharmacist in the treatment of cancers utilizing CAR T-cell therapies
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HOPA is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. In order to claim BCOP credit, you must pass the BCOP Post- Test with a 75% or higher.
All CE hours will be transmitted to the CPE Monitor and BPS within 1-2 weeks of course completion.